Environmental Policy
Basic Environmental Policy
In order to assist in addressing the environmental issues of our customers as well as our local communities, we shall strive to preserve the environment and reduce environmental impact.
Environmental Activities Policy
Policy on Environmental Activities
1.We will comply with relevant laws and regulations as well as additional requirements to which we agree.
2.We will prioritize implementation of the following items with regards to the impact our business activities, products and services have on the environment:
(1) Eliminate wastefulness to reduce electrical energy usage while maintaining the working environment of our employees.
(2) As an information processing industry, we will reduce the usage of paper resources while maintaining sensitive information security.
(3) Promote the reduction of waste products and recycling in an effort to develop a recycling-based society.
(4) Pay attention to the prevention of environmental pollution in both times of emergency and non-emergency, and carry out thorough control of organic solvents and other hazardous materials.
3.Provide educational training for employees while providing information about our environmental policy to affiliated companies and subcontracted companies.
4.Make the environmental policy public on the company website and strive to provide appropriate information.
5.Strive to reduce environmental impact by improving work efficiency.
6.Establish environmental goals based upon this environmental policy and continuously improve the environmental management system through periodic policy revision.
Established: November 10, 2006
Revised: January 13, 2010
Information Security Policy
Basic Philosophy
Akagane Inc., aims to be a company that our clients trust and can have peace of mind in doing business with.
Our clients’ information, our computer infrastructure, and information assets are extremely vital to our business operating base.
For these reasons, we recognize the importance of protecting information assets, and require all of our employees to strictly adhere to this policy, as well as carry out activities to maintain information security.
Basic Policy
1.Establish an information security policy necessary to protect information assets, and execute operations adhering to this policy while complying with laws and regulations related to information security as well as any other rules or prescriptions in contracts with our clients.
2.Carry out periodic internal auditing, education for all employees, and risk analysis in order to carry out appropriate management of information assets.
3.Establish and carry out an information security management system while conducting continuous review and improvement.
Established – October 1, 2014
Revised – July 10, 2015
Quality Policy
Quality trusted by our clients
Quality to impress our clients
Quality that our employees can be proud of
Quality that is continuously improved
Estabilished – June 22, 2001
President Michihiro Imanishi
Privacy Policy
Akagane Inc. acquires personal information such as the name of the person making the inquiry, company name, e-mail address, etc., when an inquiry is submitted.2. Purposes of Using Personal Information
Any personal information submitted not be used beyond the scope of the following purpose of use except with the consent of the individual:
(1) Responding to inquiries and consultation, providing more regarding Akagane Inc., or its services
(2) Customizing services and advertisements to be specifically tailored to current and potential customers
(3) Use for marketing (surveys/questionnaires, etc.), data analysis, service research and development3. Personal Information Management and Security
Appropriate management and security measures will be implemented in a manner as to prevent any leakage of personal information.4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Akagane Inc. will never entrust or provide personal information to a third party without the consent of the individual.
5. Use of Google Analytics and Cookies
This site uses Google Analytics and cookies to improve the usage of our website and improve services. While using this site, information such as IP address may be automatically sent to Google. This information will only be used for purposes of analyzing site usage, reports for site administrators, and other services.
6. Deletion of Personal Information
As soon as the above objectives are achieved, any personal information collected will be surely deleted in an appropriate manner by Akagane Inc.
7. Effects Resulting from Not Providing Personal Information
Please note that we may not be able to properly respond to inquiries if some personal information (such as contact information) is not provided.
8. If you wish to be provided with more information regarding the use of your personal information, review, correct, make additions to, delete, suspend the usage of, delete your personal information, or suspend the provision of your personal information to a third party, please contact the following person.
Person responsible for handling personal information concerning inquiries:
Akagane Inc. Representative Director: Michihiro Imanishi
Address: 1-1-58 Imaike-cho Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka, Japan
TEL: +81-72-228-1645